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01. Research

The finest and most exclusive papers, the recyclability of all the accessory materials, the proposal of always new performances.

02. Production

The most modern production techniques to give added value to the product. The most varied technologies to “dress” your tag.

03. Distribution

The most prestigious brands give us their trust, international brokers rely on us to serve their customers in the fashion sector.

Quality is our passion

Tags with special holograms for anti-counterfeiting, small envelopes, receipt holders, storytelling and many other products for the fashion sector.

Our accessories are designed to add a distinctive and refined touch to your products.


Through a partnership with one of the most important companies in the sector, our products can have various technologies for anti-counterfeiting and product traceability.

The goal of anti-counterfeiting is to protect consumers, safeguard brand reputations, and ensure compliance with property rights laws.

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